Gainesville Blogs

Dragonfly Gainesville “Our Table” Blog Post: COVID Dining


Dragonfly Mask Reminder

Dining Out Isn’t Quite the Same… The “getting ready” routine for COVID Dining in Gainesville now consists of a quick check for wallet, keys, phone, mask because in the crazy 2020 world, things have changed. Dining out, let alone leaving your home, is not quite the same as it was just a few short months […]

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Dragonfly Restaurants “Our Table” Blog Post General: Cultural Values


Dragonfly Bushido Image

In the day of the samurai, the concept of cultural values was very important. Culture was an unwritten, unspoken principle guiding the lives, and decisions of ancient Japan’s sacred warriors. We’ve developed our own Dragonfly Culture anchored by a belief in a set of five cultural values. Our Cultural Values set the tone for the tough decisions […]

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Dragonfly Gainesville Event: 5-Course Saké Pairing Dinner


Sake Pairing Dinner Header

Inspired by saké, Chef Jeff and the team are bringing you an exclusive 5-course Saké Pairing Dinner on June 22nd. To wet your appetite for discovery, we asked Chef to share a few thoughts on the dinner. Q: Basil chive flowers aren’t something that you see on a menu every day, what made you select them as […]

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Dragonfly Gainesville Event: Giving Back through Omikuji 2017


Omikuji Wall in Dragonfly Gainesville.

Kaizen—continuous improvement. It’s the motivation that drives us. Our innovation, our dedication to craft. Our desire to serve. The five cultural values expressed in our Bushido. These pillars ground the decisions we make—in work and in life. Our team’s day-to-day decisions are felt—and tasted—by everyone who shares a meal with us. Fish flown in from […]

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